Special Announcement!
An Exciting Announcement from
the Sustain Saint Paul Board:
We have exciting news to launch our work in 2024. For the first time, Sustain Saint Paul will be engaging in state-level pro-housing advocacy during the upcoming legislative session, along with a number of other grassroots organizations.
Our organizational counterpart in Minneapolis, Neighbors for More Neighbors, received a national grant to invest in pro-housing policy at the state level, and they have generously provided a sub-grant to Sustain Saint Paul, for which we are deeply appreciative. With these funds, we have hired a part-time contractor to lead volunteer engagement efforts during the legislative session and to help tell the story of pro-housing policy here in St. Paul and beyond.
We are thrilled to announce that board member Zak Yudhishthu will be stepping into this temporary paid role, so look forward to hearing more from him in the coming weeks about how the Sustain community can leverage our collective energy in support of abundant housing. Zak will take a leave of absence from the board of Sustain while he focuses on this work.
With this investment alongside our new sustaining membership program (please sign up if you haven't yet!), we are continuing to grow our ambitions and capacity as an organization and a community. Thank you for your support for this important work.